Satellites are launched into space to perform a specific mission, and are specially designed to perform the required function.
A satellite is a man-made object that is placed in orbit to fulfill a specific mission. Also known as man-made artificial satellites, they are different from natural moons, such as the moon. Different moons are classified by the functions they perform. Satellites are launched into space to perform a specific mission, which, in turn, is particularly applicable to performing the required function.
Weather satellites …..
Meteorological satellites, also known as meteorological satellites, are mainly used to monitor and record the Earth’s climate and weather. Satellites are a constant source of up-to-date information about atmospheric conditions. Climate satellites can see not only cloudy systems, but also sand, dust storms, auroras, city lights, fog, energy currents, fire, ice mapping, pollution effects, and ocean currents. Climate satellites help monitor volcanic activity in specific mountains and detect changes in the Earth’s ice field, sea conditions, vegetation, and ocean color. NASA launched the first successful weather satellite, Tiros 1, on April 1, 1960. The satellite transmitted infrared television images of the Earth’s cloud, detected even the development of hurricanes, and meteorologists were able to record their trajectories.
Tether satellites …….
Tether satellites are satellites that are connected to another satellite using a thin cable called a tether. Tether satellites are mainly used for height control, stabilization, propulsion, maintaining the relative positions of a large spacecraft sensor system, and dynamic transmission. There are many different types of tether satellites, including sky hooks, format flying tethers, momentum exchange tethers, and electrodynamic tethers. Depending on the purpose and altitude of the mission, satellite tethers are relatively inexpensive than those used by rocket engines.
Space stations ….
The space station is a rocket ship designed to assist crew members. It has been in space for a long time for other spacecraft to reach the harbor. Due to the lack of good landing facilities and spacecraft, a space station differs from other spacecraft in its passengers. As of September 2016, there are three space stations in Earth’s orbit: China’s Tiangong-2, Tiangong-1, and the International Space Station.
Recovery satellites: —
Recovery satellites are also known as space capsules. They provide for the recovery of biological, intelligence, space production and other goods from space and from Earth’s orbit. Most recovery satellites are fully operational and therefore manned. This includes Mercury and Vostok, then Soyuz, ShenShow, L3, Gemini, TKS, and the Apollo command module. A recovery satellite needs all the necessities of daily life, including water, food and air, and must protect astronauts from radiation and winter space weather.
Intelligence satellites …….
Intelligence satellites are satellites designed to monitor the Earth for military purposes. Such satellites include infrared sensors that detect missiles launched and electronic sensors that monitor secret conversations during other military surveillance operations. As a military operator, most of the information about intelligence satellites is classified. An intelligence satellite can also be called a spy satellite.
Minimized satellites: –
Miniaturized moons are usually small moons of small mass and weighing more than 1100 pounds. Miniature satellites are also known as “smallsat” or “small satellites”. The primary goal of creating miniature satellites is to reduce costs, as large satellites require large-scale rockets, which are expensive to maintain. Smaller satellites are lighter in size and can launch many of them.
Crude spacecraft (spacecraft): –
A crude spacecraft, also known as human spaceflight or human spaceflight, is a satellite with human passengers. Crude space probes are either operated remotely from ground stations located on Earth or operated directly by the human crew. On April 21, 1961, Vostok, controlled by astronaut Yuri Gagarin, became the first manned spacecraft to orbit the Earth. The International Space Station (ISS) is a human spacecraft that has been in space for 16 years.
Killer moons ….
Killer satellites are primarily designed to destroy warheads from life-threatening enemy nations, satellites, and other space objects. In 1973, following a series of failed attempts, the first killer satellite was declared operational.
Navigation Satellite —-
Navigation satellites are primarily designed to help determine the geographical location of ships, aircraft, and vehicle operators. Originally created by navigation satellites so that nuclear submarines can successfully navigate in inert water. Navigation satellites High electronic receivers allow high accuracy to determine altitude, latitude, altitude and longitudinal positions. The first navigation satellite was declared operational in 1962 after the launch of Transit 5A. Due to some inherent limitations, there was a rapid impetus for the development of more advanced navigation satellites.
Earth observation satellites: –
Earth observation satellites are satellites primarily designed to observe the Earth from orbit. Earth observation satellites are similar to intelligence satellites. However, they are not intended for military use, but for mapping, climate monitoring, and environmental monitoring. A large number of Earth observation satellites contain instruments that need to be controlled at relatively low altitudes. Examples of Earth observation satellites include: Dubai SAT-1, MetOP, UEMAT-SAT, ERS-1, E-Visit.
Communication satellites …..
Communication satellites are man-made satellites that transmit and amplify radio and telecommunication signals through transponders. A communication satellite acts as a communication channel between the transmitter and receiver based on different locations on Earth. Such satellites are used for radio, television, military, Internet, and telephone applications. There are about 2,000 communications satellites in orbit around the Earth used by government and private organizations. The first artificial communication satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. It became known as Sputnik 1 and was operated by the Soviet Union.
Biosatellites ….
Biosatellites are satellites designed to carry life into space. The first three biosatellites were launched by NASA between 1966 and 1969, carrying bees, wheat seedlings, frog eggs, bacteria, and monkeys. On November 3, 1957, Sputnik 2 became the first satellite to carry an animal into space, a dog named Laika.
Astronomical moons ….
Astronomical satellites are satellites used to observe distant planets and galaxies, including other space objects. Astronomical satellites are also known as space telescopes or space observatories. The first two working astronomical satellites were launched by the American Orbiting Astronomical Observatory OAO-2 and the Soviet Union’s Orion 1 Ultraviolet Telescope in 1968 and 1971, respectively.
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