Category: Human

Unlocking the Magic Safely: Navigating the Wonders and Risks of Solar Eclipses

April 8, 2024

During a solar eclipse, it’s crucial to remember that directly observing the sun can cause damage to your eyes, mainly due to the intense ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation has enough energy to harm the cells in the retina of the eye, leading to potential vision problems. The extent of damage depends…

The Amazing Human Sense of Smell

April 7, 2024

Sharks are famous for their sharp sense of smell, detecting blood from far distances. But did you know that humans have an even greater ability? When rain is on its way, we can smell it in the air, thanks to a unique scent released by the soil. Despite its tiny amount—just 0.4 parts per billion—we…

Lidar Technology

August 7, 2023

Lidar is a sophisticated technology for detection and ranging light. In any mysterious forest, its laser penetrates from top to bottom and turns geographical data into images. They are mainly used to study the forest area, but sometimes they discover many ruins of ancient cultures and pyramids. Human culture is very complex. Because archaeologists say…

Klein-Levin Syndrome (Sleeping Beauty Syndrome) is a disease that causes people to sleep for weeks on end…

July 29, 2023

A rare disease that affects only one in a million people worldwide and has yet to be treated. Some may think that sleeping is not a good arrangement… But wrong…. Most people diagnosed with this disease sometimes develop temporary brain damage After waking up, they don’t remember anything. Getting up during sleep to go to…

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝟏𝟕:The last lunar mission

July 26, 2023

Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent 75 hours on the moon in December 1972. They landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley of the moon Fellow traveler Ronald Evans was traveling around the moon at that time. Schmitt photographed Eugene Cernan standing next to the American flag and the umbrella-shaped high-gain antenna of their…

What will happen to the astronaut who is floating outside the spacecraft holding on to the rope tied to the mother probe and if the rope breaks?

July 23, 2023

His oxygen pack contains breathing air for seven and a half hours His space suit will have liters of water to quench his thirst The jet pack will carry 5 pounds of fuel to fly back to his parent spacecraft He would have died and drifted off into space unless someone else had already rescued…

Brazen Bull: A gruesome ancient Greek torture ritual

July 6, 2023

In ancient Greece, Athens, there was a sculptor named Perillos…He presented a brazen bull to Phalaris, who was also its tyrant…in reality the statue was a torture chamber…it was a statue that contained a man completely…it had a mechanism to put a man inside and lock it from the outside… After that, a fire is…

Some famous self-asked questions that changed the world

June 26, 2023

If an apple falls, then does the moon also fall?By Isaac Newton.led to the theory of gravity How do organisms transmute information about their features over a thousand generations?By Charles Darwinled to the theory of evolution How does a single organism transmit information to its off spring over a single generation?By Gregor Mendelled to the…

Science has found a way to hibernate a living person!

June 21, 2023

The knowledge that our most ancient ancestors had the ability to survive the blizzards during this period led researchers to this hibernation. Efforts have been made to find the gene responsible for that ability. If we recognize them now and artificially trigger them, i.e. adjust the temperature to that of a past glaciation, we too…

After many years of efforts, the government has finally given permission for Elon Musk’s Neuralink to be implanted in humans. Will break further.

June 3, 2023

What is Neuralink? A small chip implanted in the brain. Instead of the display on the phone, the visuals go directly to our brain, and the sounds go directly to the brain. Movies can be seen in giant size. Will phones disappear from the world? Will we all become cyborgs?