Category: COMPUTER

Hedy Lamarr: Beauty and Brilliance in Wireless Communication

June 9, 2024

Hedy Lamarr, often hailed as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” was not only an American film star but also a brilliant electronic engineer whose innovations laid the groundwork for modern wireless communication technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Lamarr, a Jewish immigrant from Nazi-occupied Austria, settled in the United States in 1938. Lamarr played…

Robotics Evolution

July 27, 2023

is an embodied approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in which robots are automatically designed using Darwinian principles of natural selection. The design of a robot, or a subsystem of a robot such as a neural controller, is optimized against a behavioral goal (e.g. run as fast as possible). Usually, designs are evaluated in simulations as…

After many years of efforts, the government has finally given permission for Elon Musk’s Neuralink to be implanted in humans. Will break further.

June 3, 2023

What is Neuralink? A small chip implanted in the brain. Instead of the display on the phone, the visuals go directly to our brain, and the sounds go directly to the brain. Movies can be seen in giant size. Will phones disappear from the world? Will we all become cyborgs?

Biggest TECH Company in the World

February 15, 2023

Would you believe that the microchips that run the computer I’m using to write this article and the phone or computer or tab you’re using to read this are made by the same company’s technology? Believe meā€¦that’s the truth. If you ask which is the biggest ‘tech’ company of this century, most people will think…

India’s own ‘Bhar OS’ mobile operating system tested

January 28, 2023

New Delhi: India’s mobile operating system BharOS (BharOS) developed as an alternative to Google’s Droid and Apple’s IOS has been developed locally by IIT Madras. Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, V. Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan also congratulated the team members. Developed by Bharos with privacy and security in mind, it is a free operating system for use…

Location: NASA Office

January 25, 2023

Date: 1969 Half a century ago, MIT played a critical role in the development of the flight software for NASA’s Apollo program, which landed humans on the Moon for the first time in 1969. Job: Lead Developer on Apollo Mission Standing: Margaret Hamilton Nearby books: The program codes they wrote for the vehicle that landed…

OPPENHEIMER A Film by Christopher Nolan

December 22, 2022

Oppenheimer is the next film of Christopher Nolan who directed hit films like Interstellar. The movie that fans all over the world are waiting for. A few words about Oppenheimer. But it does not go into the interior of the movie.He was an American theoretical physicist with German roots and was also a physics teacher…

The man in the tricone – Sergey Krikalev – the last USSR citizen.

November 26, 2022

Being stuck indoors or in a car for a few hours can be a terrifying experience. Being stuck in a zero-gravity space station 350 kilometers from Earth for almost a year can be quite a terrifying experience. One man who went through such a situation is Sergei Krikalev, a Soviet/Russian cosmonaut. The Mir space station…

How does zero gravity train astronauts?

November 24, 2022

Zero gravity can be created artificially Objects have weight because they are attracted by the earth. Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 meters per second. Even if an object is dropped in a controlled manner with the same acceleration, it will feel weightless during the fall. So if a human-carried vehicle can be brought as…