The Little Gem Nebula, also known as the NGC6818, is about 6000 light-year long, has two different layers of gas and dust, and has a bright bubble inside.
The man who had lived alone in the heart of the Amazon for the past 26 years was the last member of their tribe in the Amazon jungle. Most of this tribe, who lived in the thick forests and had...
An artists impression of the European Extremely Large Telescope shown together with a silhouette of the London Eye for scale. The construction of the world's largest, most powerful, and most sensitive optical telescope is in progress. Manufacturers are the European...
From Earth to IC1101 …. Comparison between Earth and Sun: - Comparison between the Sun and Stephenson 2-18 Comparison between STEPEHENSON 2-18 and Pillers of Creation: - Comparison between Pillers of Creation and Milkyway Galaxy: - Comparison between Milkyway and...
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