The Van Allen Belt is an atmosphere in which high-energy charged particles are blocked by our Earth’s magnetic field. The radiation belt was discovered in 1958 by James van Allen, a physicist at the University of Iowa (USA).
What are particles?
The Van Allen belt has an outer belt and an inner belt .The outer belt is mainly helium.
Filled with ions.
Coronal mass ejection of fast-moving particles is mainly blocked here.
Atmospheric particles are filled with protons that decompose under the impact of cosmic rays in the inner belt.
The inner belt is 1600-8000 km above the ground and the outer belt is 19,000-40000 km.
Sometimes a third ring is seen when the sun is active. The belt plays an important role in making life on earth possible. Or the biological life we see today will never survive due to harmful radiation and atmospheric decomposition.
Is it possible to break this belt?
Despite swearing that there is no space, Van Allen Belt is a favorite “space” area for lunar eclipses and spreaders. This is not a physical barrier. Is an intense radiation field.
VAB is not a threat to near Earth missions like the ISS. This radiation field is a threat to deep space missions such as the Apollo missions.
What is the threat?
This area can damage the electronic circuits of spacecraft and block radio communication. In addition, cosmic rays can cause changes (mutations, cell damage) at the cellular level.
How was the Apollo mission possible?
VAB We have mapped. The plan was to use a less dense route in the area and cross as soon as possible. Furthermore, the dosimeter (radiation gauge) measurements worn by all astronauts indicated that they were exposed to approximately the same radiation dose as the two ct scans. It is not fit to kill someone.
But the mission was made possible by overcoming extreme danger.
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