Lost contact with Voyager 2.

Confirmation of loss of contact with Voyager 2, currently approximately 21 billion kilometers from Earth. On July 21, commands sent from Earth to Voyager 2 accidentally caused Voyager’s High Gain Antenna to point 2 degrees away from Earth. Therefore Voyager cannot currently receive messages from Earth or send messages in the direction of Earth. A…

Do you know?

The Manhattan Project nicknamed the Trinity Test was the most top secret nuclear test conducted by the United States. The movie Oppenheimer was released about it.Only a handful of people knew about it…after the test America dropped the nuclear bomb on Japan. But after this trinity test there was another group in this world who…

Scientific theories about to be debunked Fermilab also validated the CERN experiment

As far as we know, the universe is made up of fundamental particles like electrons and quarks. Everything we see in the universe, including ourselves, is the result of interactions between these particles. Fundamental forces mean interactions of elementary particles. Four fundamental forces have been identified. They are gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force…

No matter how high the ants fall down, six feet! Do you know the reason?

March 23, 2023

There are many reasons behind this. One is the ant mass itself. The mass of an ant is very less compared to other animals. As the mass of an object decreases, its gravitational force also decreases. Suppose an ant falls from a height. Gravity pulls it down. At the same time the air in the…

How many women have actually been in space?

March 21, 2023

We all have an answer to the question of who was the first woman in space. Valentina Tereshkova. On June 16, 1963, the Vostok 6 spacecraft made that trip. But it took 20 years for a second woman to reach space. The second trip was in 1982, and that too was by Soviet Union cosmonaut…

Hyperion is like a sponge.!!
If you take a picture of it, there will be approximately this number of craters.!!!

March 20, 2023

Hyperion is the eighth largest moon of Saturn. The Cassini spacecraft took a closer look at its many strange craters. A spongy surface due to the presence of odd craters At the bottom of most craters is some unknown dark red material. It is the same type of material found on the surface of Saturn’s…

On March 16, 1926, engineer Robert Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket.

March 18, 2023

What was his response to those who objected to his prediction that rocket-powered vehicles would one day reach the moon? “Every sight is funny until the first man accomplishes something; but once possible, it becomes commonplace.”

The mountains will change color

March 16, 2023

The most beautiful natural wonder decorated with different colors. That is the Aladaghlar mountains in Iran. This mountain is as if some friend has painted it with different colors. Researchers opined that it is 15 million years old. These mountains are between the cities of Ahar and Khaje in Iran. It is located in From…

International Day of Mathematics (Pi Day)

March 15, 2023

March 14 is observed as World Pi (π) Day. When March 14 is written in the American style of Month/Day/Year, it commemorates the value of pi (π ≈ 3.14).Physicist Larry Shaw started celebrating Pi Day in 1989. Similarly, June 28 is considered as ‘Two Pi Day’ (2 * π ≈ 6.28) and July 22 as…

Gliese 1214 b.

February 27, 2023

It is a planet located 48 light years away from Earth. This planet was discovered on December 16, 2009. There is something special about this planet. The entire planet is ocean. The planet orbits the star Gliese 1214 in the constellation Ophiuchus.

The End of the Chinese Mars Rover?

February 27, 2023

China’s Zhurong Rover, which has been exploring the surface of Mars since May 2021, has reportedly succumbed to the harsh winter and dust storms on Mars. In 2022 May, Zhurong entered Hibernation Mode ahead of the Northern Hemisphere of Mars entering winter. The rover was hibernate to avoid damage to the electronic parts due to…