India’s first manned space mission ‘Gaganyaan’ will take place in 2023, Science and Technology Minister Jitendra Singh has said. With this launch, India will become the fourth country in the world to launch a manned space mission after the USA, Russia and China. The test vehicle flight for the crew escape system and Gaganyan’s (G1)’s first unscrewed mission are scheduled for early the second half of 2022.
This will be followed by a second crew-free mission in the second half of 2022. The Minister said that by the end of 2022, the space travel human robot ‘Vyomitra’ developed by ISRO will be carried out and finally in 2023 the Gaganyan Mission will carry the first crew for the first time.
He said the goal of the Gaganyan program was to demonstrate the ability to send humans to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in an Indian launch vehicle and bring them back to Earth safely. Singh said more than 500 industries are collaborating on a number of research modules, including Gaganyan’s research modules. The Union Minister said that this was possible for the first time in 70 years as the sector was opened up to private participation to transform India into a competitive space market.
The Minister said that this is the largest space project undertaken by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to date and will inspire young people and startups as well as boost science and technology development within the country. A space training facility for astronauts is also being set up in Bangalore for the Gaganyan project, which is in the advanced stages of completion. Completed basic aeromedical training and flying training as part of Indian training.
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