Category: technology

Visible light is our primary means of studying the universe. but development in understanding of electromagnetic radiation and their origin we can studying more about our universe . The center of milky way with different energies

August 26, 2021

Radio images reveal fast-moving electrons interacting with the galaxy’s magnetic field. They help us map atomic and molecular hydrogen and hot ionized regions. Infrared images show where starlight heats the interstellar gas and dust and reveal red giants, planetary nebulae, and young, massive stars deeply embedded in their parental molecular gas clouds. Visible light shows…

Researchers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, researchers at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, about the 51 Pegasi star who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics.

August 26, 2021

Pegasus is a constellation near Pisces. 51 Pegasi is a star that is barely visible to the naked eye. It is about 50 light-years from Earth. That is, when we see that star, we see light that traveled five decades ago. Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, who…

Do you know Vera Rubin?

August 26, 2021

July 23 is the birthday of the famous astronomer Vera Rubin, who helped us realize that the universe that is possible is only a small part of the real universe. You may have heard of Dark Matter; Especially since most of the universe is used by stakeholders to distort science as something we cannot understand….

Half a century later confirmation of Stephen Hawking’s theory

August 26, 2021

Everything in the universe is based on certain laws. One such law regarding black holes was discovered in 1971 by the British physicist Stephen Hawking. One prediction according to this theory is that the area of ​​the event horizon of black holes will never decrease. Furthermore, the event horizon area of ​​another black hole formed…

25 years of planetary hunting

August 25, 2021

The Solar System, in which the planet Earth. The only place in the universe where we can now say for sure that there is life.It is this thought that touches the depths of human curiosity that mainly motivates us to discover the planets outside the solar system.One of man’s primitive curiosities is whether life exists…

How do we know the atmosoheric composition, size, temperature, etc. of millions of other planets farther away from Earth?

August 25, 2021

When we look through a Kepler telescope. The size is determined by looking at the amount of light that passes through the front of a planetary star.It calculates the year by looking at the time differences that pass through itThen the atmospheres can be understood by looking at the spectrum of a planet as it…


August 24, 2021

A ship sails calmly across the sea..suddenly the ship splits in two with an explosion..sinks in the sea..a submarine over 1000 km slowly rises to the surface of the sea. It is not clear who first came up with the idea for the submarine, but the first submarine was built by a Dutch scientist, Cornelius,…

Schroedinger’s cat A cat that was dead and alive at the same time

August 24, 2021

We’re talking about an experiment with a cat by a scientist named Erwin Schrdinger. Geiger places a cat in a steel box with a counter, a container of poison, a hammer, and a radioactive object. The cat ends up on the spot. Radioactive tuberculosis is a random process and there is no way to predict…

How Many Satellites Are There In Space

August 24, 2021

Satellites are launched into space to perform a specific mission, and are specially designed to perform the required function. A satellite is a man-made object that is placed in orbit to fulfill a specific mission. Also known as man-made artificial satellites, they are different from natural moons, such as the moon. Different moons are classified…

Aliens watching us?

August 24, 2021

Two years ago, on April 20, 2019, scientists received a unique radio signal from Alpha Centauri, 4 light years away from us. After much study, scientists arrived on December 20, 2020, concluding that it was more likely to be an alien signal. There are many valid reasons to come to such a conclusion. One of…