Category: Animals

The tallest living creature

November 18, 2021

The Himalayas are the largest mountain range on earth. The most beautiful and amazing creation of nature. This mountain range is home to a spider that jumps. Known as the Himalayan Jumping Spider, this spider lives at an altitude of 6700 m. To think that there is no other living thing on earth that has…

The wandering hippopotamus

November 14, 2021

It’s not about anything else, it’s about an asteroid named ‘2003 SD220’ (2003 SD220). The asteroid was found 18 million miles away from Earth. This distance is seven times the distance between the earth and the moon. NASA compares the shape of the rock to a hippopotamus moving along a river. In 2018, the asteroid…

Link code fish

November 13, 2021

The lingocode fish found in the Pacific Ocean lose their teeth every day. That too in about 20 counts. The sex codes, which are five feet long and weigh up to 36 kilograms, have about five hundred pointed needles. They can also bark crustaceans, including crabs, all at once. But for so long it has…

Dodo bird

November 2, 2021

Although many species have disappeared from the face of the earth due to climate change and natural disasters, the dodo birds of Mauritius are an endangered species due to human. These birds were large and could not fly. They get their name from the sound of ‘dodo’. Dodo birds, although similar in appearance to terrestrial…

oil whale

October 31, 2021

The Physeter macrocephalus is the largest and largest predator of toothed whales. Adult whales of this species range in length from 16 m to 20 m. One third of their body is the head. Their main food is squid. They will dive to a depth of 2250 meters in the ocean to catch squid. Only…

Living Fossil …. Frilled Sharks.

October 28, 2021

Fried sharks are one of the oldest living species on earth today. These are known as ‘living fossils’. This is because there have been frilled sharks on Earth for the last 80 million years. Although dinosaurs were killed 60 million years ago, they managed to survive. They have not undergone any significant changes in their…

Blue Ringed Octopus!

October 28, 2021

Blurred octopuses are extremely dangerous octopuses. Poisoning of these can cause death within minutes. Their body is golden in color. The shiny body also has blue rings. This is why they are called blurred owls. They are highly venomous and are commonly found among coral reefs and rock formations. They inhabit the Pacific and Indian…

Ability to survive and walk in space; Tardigrade ‘

October 28, 2021

The general impression is that all living things that can be seen under a microscope are capable of crawling or swimming. This is almost certainly true. But rarely do some creatures have the ability to walk. This microbe, called Tardigrade, has attracted the attention of science for many other reasons. The last of these is…

Semen of rats stored in space !!!!

October 23, 2021

The sperm of a rat that has been stored in space for six years has finally given birth to a baby. After being brought back to earth, the females gave birth to their offspring by injecting semen into them. The sperm, which was completely drained of water and stored in ‘dry’ form, was stored at…

Why is the flamingo pink?

October 20, 2021

The young of the flamingo beak belong to the genus Beaks. Flamingo’s pink to orange color within 2 – 3 years due to pigmentation from food. Flamingos live in uninhabited and relatively remote waters – feeding on crustaceans, cyanobacteria, diatom algae, and brine shrimp, which live in these alkaline lakes (the acidity of which burns…