Category: sea

Why doesn’t water burn?

January 19, 2023

Seems very stupid QN doesn’t it.Likewise,Why water is used to extinguish fire. Why not use water in some conditions?I want to give a very simple answer to the questions. Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a flammable element.So is Oxygen.But oxygen is said to be an oxidizing agent.So why doesn’t water…

How HIMALAYA were formed

January 17, 2023

This immense mountain range began to form between 40 and 50 million years ago, when two large landmasses, India and Eurasia, driven by plate movement, collided. Because both these continental landmasses have about the same rock density, one plate could not be subducted under the other. Shells and marine fossils are found in the limestone…

Victoria Amazonica

January 9, 2023

Its flower is the national flower of Guyana. It is found mostly in the Amazon basin, which contains the lakes and small rivers of Guyana in South America. It is used to make water gardens. Its white flower has the smell of pineapple. Its seeds are expensive, so it can be called an ornamental plant….

Niagara Falls is frozen

December 31, 2022

Can anyone believe this is Niagara Falls? This is the sight of the world’s largest waterfall frozen in extreme cold. It is a wonderful sight to see the water falling into the waterfall as it turns into icicles. Pictures showing the severity of the extreme cold in Niagara have come out from here. Niagara Falls…

The most dangerous island

December 15, 2022

Densely green forest, beautiful beaches, clear waters and long shallow seas dotted with sea-puts, this isolated island in the Andaman archipelago is home to life, but once you land, you will never see the outside world again. The wildlife here is not the problem. Behind it is a very aggressive tribe called senitinellese. In 1974,…

Boiling River

December 6, 2022

The Shanay-Timpishka is one of the tributaries of the Amazon River. Even in the non-rainy season, the 5km wide Amazon River and its surrounding forest were always full of mystery. The tribes and flora and fauna of that forest, which is more than half the size of the United States, are still not fully understood….

What is the connection between the blue color of the sea and CV Raman?

December 3, 2022

Raleigh, the scientist who defined the reason for the blue color of the sky, faced a big question: Why is the color of the sea blue? Raleigh explained that the reflection of the sky is the reason for the blue color of the sea. This explanation was believed by the scientific world for a long…

How the moon effects the tide

December 1, 2022

The Moon and Earth exert a gravitational pull on each other. On Earth, the Moon’s gravitational pull causes the oceans to bulge out on both the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon. These bulges create high tides. The low points are where low tides occur. watch video

NASA to torch the moon

November 11, 2022

NASA is preparing to launch a torch to the moon. The agency aims to find water in the moon’s south polar region in a mission called Lunar Flashlight. NASA is confident that water is present in craters in the south polar region of the Moon. In the future, the agency plans to focus on this…


October 13, 2022

Enceladus is Saturn’s sixth largest moon, only one-seventh the diameter of our Moon. Perhaps the mysterious sphere in the solar system where extraterrestrial life is most likely! In 1789, British astronomer William Herschel was the first to discover Enceladus, one of Saturn’s inner moons. This discovery was made with the 47 inch telescope he built….