Month: November 2021

Special & General theory of relativity

November 22, 2021

Albert Einstein introduced his special theory of relativity in 1905, 10 years after it was made general and introduced to the world the general theory of relativity in 1915, but things were not so easy because he found it very difficult to explain this paper to others through an experiment. To show, .. The main…

Deep Space Network (DSN)

November 20, 2021

The Deep Space Network – or DSN – is a series of giant radio antennas used to communicate NASA’s space missions. DSN is owned by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). DSN was founded in 1963. DSN dishes are placed in three places at equal distances from each other – approximately 120 degrees longitudinally. 1) Goldstone…

The universe is full of innumerable wonders. To look at the universe means to look to the past.

November 20, 2021

In April 2017, Indian astronomers discovered a super mega cluster 400 billion light-years from Earth. Superclusters are one of the largest structures in the universe. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million superclusters in the visible universe. Galaxies, galaxies, and dark matter all form clusters of galaxies. Such local clusters, and groups…

Say no to star wars

November 18, 2021

Russia recently had its own missile smashed by one of its own missiles for testing. Weapons test. In the past, China did the same in 2007. It smashed its own weather satellite with a missile, producing about 3,000 tennis ball-sized pieces and about a million grains. This is one-third of the current space debris. Many…

Glass debris in Atacama

November 18, 2021

Atacama in Chile is the driest and oldest desert in the world.It covers an area of ​​1.05 million square kilometers near the Pacific Ocean. Apart from the polar regions, Atacama has the lowest rainfall on earth. The Atacama Desert is used by many space agencies, including NASA, to study the operation of Mars and lunar…

Nasa’s Artemis mission

November 18, 2021

The cost of a rocket launch on NASA’s upcoming Artemis mission is $ 4.1 billion US dollars! That’s about ISRO’s two-year budget.

The tallest living creature

November 18, 2021

The Himalayas are the largest mountain range on earth. The most beautiful and amazing creation of nature. This mountain range is home to a spider that jumps. Known as the Himalayan Jumping Spider, this spider lives at an altitude of 6700 m. To think that there is no other living thing on earth that has…

There have been a number of critical reports and revelations about the ufo / alien intrusion this year.

November 17, 2021

The most recent of these was the revelation by former U.S. Air Force officer Robert Salas and his associates of the nuclear disarmament caused by the 1967 invasion of a nuclear base. As recently as 1967, Robert Sales, then head of the United States, told the world at a press conference that some flying saucers…

Alternative building material for rocks,Foam GLASS

November 17, 2021

A home to live in is the birthright of any human being, but if we continue to grow in this way, granite mining will become just as important.But over the years, everyone has been talking about the problem, No one is discussing a viable solution, Here is an introduction to an alternative construction material on…