Category: Planet

Lost contact with Voyager 2.

July 30, 2023

Confirmation of loss of contact with Voyager 2, currently approximately 21 billion kilometers from Earth. On July 21, commands sent from Earth to Voyager 2 accidentally caused Voyager’s High Gain Antenna to point 2 degrees away from Earth. Therefore Voyager cannot currently receive messages from Earth or send messages in the direction of Earth. A…

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝟏𝟕:The last lunar mission

July 26, 2023

Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent 75 hours on the moon in December 1972. They landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley of the moon Fellow traveler Ronald Evans was traveling around the moon at that time. Schmitt photographed Eugene Cernan standing next to the American flag and the umbrella-shaped high-gain antenna of their…

The first alien planet

July 24, 2023

The first exoplanet we discovered in transit was OGLE-56-b, discovered in 2002. Located 5,000 light-years away from its parent star, this hot Jupiter (because it is a gas giant like Jupiter) is larger than our own Jupiter. Iron precipitation is thought to occur here at a temperature of 1726 degrees Celsius that creates affinity for…

Venus or Venus

July 20, 2023

In the 1960s, while the United States was constantly trying to touch the moon, the Cold War pushed the Soviet Union to touch Venus. Of the 28 probes they sent in succession, only 13 penetrated the atmosphere of Venus, and of those, Venera 13 was able to take the best color image. They beat America…

Some famous self-asked questions that changed the world

June 26, 2023

If an apple falls, then does the moon also fall?By Isaac Newton.led to the theory of gravity How do organisms transmute information about their features over a thousand generations?By Charles Darwinled to the theory of evolution How does a single organism transmit information to its off spring over a single generation?By Gregor Mendelled to the…

Always day on one side and night on the other

June 4, 2023

Earth-like exoplanet discovered 90 light-years from Earth Exoplanets are planets located outside the solar system. The surface of this planet is full of active volcanoes. The study also shows that the radiation and gas emissions from these formed the atmosphere. The planet, named LP 791–18D, orbits a red dwarf star in the southern galaxy Crater….

This is Titan.

May 31, 2023

Saturn’s largest moon. It is bigger than our moon and Mercury. Another is that streams, rivers, lakes, etc. are found here like ours. (not water.. made of ethane, methane) It has a thick atmosphere, one and a half times the Earth’s atmospheric pressure.None of the other 177 known moons in the Solar System have an…

The presence of water vapor on another planet has been identified by our James Webb.

May 16, 2023

Evidence for the presence of water was found in the rocky planet GJ 486 b, which is 30% larger than Earth and three times more massive. GJ 486 b is a solid planet with a stronger gravity than Earth. It orbits its parent star, a red dwarf star, every 1.5 Earth days.Also, because it is…

This is TOI 700 E, the most recent Earth-sized planet discovered by science about 100 light-years away. (TOI 700 e.)

May 14, 2023

This Earth-like planet orbits within the habitable zone (habitable zone) of its parent star. In the background, its other Earth-like sister planet, TOI 700 d, can also be seen a distant speck. We are not alone in this vast universe.? right..?? Photo and other information credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Robert Hurt.