Category: Human

Dodo bird

November 2, 2021

Although many species have disappeared from the face of the earth due to climate change and natural disasters, the dodo birds of Mauritius are an endangered species due to human. These birds were large and could not fly. They get their name from the sound of ‘dodo’. Dodo birds, although similar in appearance to terrestrial…

Named for the planet Pluto

October 30, 2021

In 1930, we discovered a dwarf planet in the Solar System. What’s the name of the game? People all over the world suggested many names. What if an eleven-year-old schoolboy named Venetia Burney finally named the new planet Pluto? Asked his grandfather. The boy’s grandfather shared the suggestion with his friend, a physics professor at…

Robert Wadlow (1918-1940)

October 28, 2021

Robert Wadlow is the tallest man the world has ever seen, based on accurate evidence. Wadlow’s height at the time of death was about 272 cm or 8 feet 11 inches. Hypertrophy of the pituitary gland in the body due to overproduction of Human Growth Hormone is the cause of his abnormal growth. Although it…

Usain Bolt on asteroids

October 26, 2021

Discovered the fastest asteroid in the Solar System.The Chilean Dark Energy Camera (DECam) has detected another asteroid, AJ193, which orbits at 94,000 kilometers per hour and completes its orbit in just 113 days, just days after it crossed Earth. The runner was first spotted by scientists on August 13. Named 2021 PH27, the asteroid orbits…

Teegarden is the most likely planet to have alien life(Teegarden B)

October 25, 2021

If you ask which planet is most likely to be inhabited by aliens, in a nutshell it is ‘Teegarden B’.The planet will be discovered in June 2019.The fourth closest planet to Earth, similar to Earth, is the most likely planet for extraterrestrial life. The planet orbits the red M-type star. The red star is known…

We are here on the moon with our family …

October 23, 2021

When Apollo 16 landed on the moon on April 20, 1972, became the youngest man to set foot on the lunar surface. But he did one more thing. That is, he had earlier jokingly asked his family if we could all go to the moon. So he took his family photo taken by NASA on…

Semen of rats stored in space !!!!

October 23, 2021

The sperm of a rat that has been stored in space for six years has finally given birth to a baby. After being brought back to earth, the females gave birth to their offspring by injecting semen into them. The sperm, which was completely drained of water and stored in ‘dry’ form, was stored at…

This is the most detailed model of a human cell to date.

October 20, 2021

Not an image. Not represents a single cell but all kinds of human cells. The shape of the objects is true, The colors are not. Taken using X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryonelectron microscopy datasets.

Is Time Travel Possible .. ??

October 14, 2021

It is still difficult for many to believe that time is relative. A minute on our earth can sometimes be different in another corner of the universe.There it can sometimes be a month or a year. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.Let us examine the scientific aspect…