Category: Animals

Peregrine falcon

November 7, 2022

The fastest bird in the world. It can reach speeds of up to 390km/hr when diving down to catch its prey. Before the victim is aware of it, it will reach his mouth. Things are so fast. stealth B2 bomber The nightmare of every enemy country in the world. It came at a speed of…

Creatures that live at 400 degrees Celsius!

September 20, 2022

Volcanic snails. They are found in hot volcanic springs in the ocean. Their shells have three layers.The outer layer contains iron sulfides.The middle layer is like the shell of normal snails.The innermost layer is made up of aragonite. Its scientific name is Chrysomallon squamiferum.It is also called volcanic snails.Iron shells are formed in them to…

The lost world

September 19, 2022

Deadly version of isolation The Amazon world itself has not yet given any hold to man. Is there any place more isolated than that inside? Mount Roraima is a large mountain with a flat top. It is found in North America along the borders of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana. The steep slopes range from 400…

The Loneliest Man in the World

September 8, 2022

The man who had lived alone in the heart of the Amazon for the past 26 years was the last member of their tribe in the Amazon jungle. Most of this tribe, who lived in the thick forests and had no contact with the outside world, were killed by the Anakrita settlers in ????. Of…

Acrocanthosaurus Dinosaur foot prints

August 28, 2022

113 million years ago I walked here armed and killing. This place I once walked was a shallow beach. My heavy footprints, weighing six tons and standing four meters high, were now hidden in the mud and mud of the bottom of the Paluxy River in Texas. But the severe drought this August 2022 has…

I was a king a long time ago

July 5, 2022

Ten thousand years ago you needed a woolen blanket if you wanted to go outside in the hot summer and midday. Because you are in the ice age then. The giants of the ice age that used to live with humans at that time were the woolly mammoths with long tusks. They were found in…

The Gippslant earthworm

June 25, 2022

found in Australia, is the largest earthworm in the world. They can grow up to 2 m in length. That is, longer than a Rat snake. These have a very rare feature. Raising them steeply can lead to their death. Therefore, Australia has a special law and a toll free number system to protect them.