Category: Mysterious

What would be the most valuable thing in the world?

April 3, 2023

If you ask those who study history, they will tell you Kohinoor Ratnam. Some say diamond. Some would say things like plutonium. There is an answer from someone who knows science well. Anti-matter! The price depends on the effort and energy required to make it. There isn’t much. Just 60 trillion dollars per gram! Even…

The Tectonic plates are moving

March 26, 2023

The San Andreas Fault in California is a temporary crack that marks the boundary between the planet’s two major tectonic plates. Length: 1,200km • Depth: 32km

Hyperion is like a sponge.!!
If you take a picture of it, there will be approximately this number of craters.!!!

March 20, 2023

Hyperion is the eighth largest moon of Saturn. The Cassini spacecraft took a closer look at its many strange craters. A spongy surface due to the presence of odd craters At the bottom of most craters is some unknown dark red material. It is the same type of material found on the surface of Saturn’s…

The mountains will change color

March 16, 2023

The most beautiful natural wonder decorated with different colors. That is the Aladaghlar mountains in Iran. This mountain is as if some friend has painted it with different colors. Researchers opined that it is 15 million years old. These mountains are between the cities of Ahar and Khaje in Iran. It is located in From…

Gliese 1214 b.

February 27, 2023

It is a planet located 48 light years away from Earth. This planet was discovered on December 16, 2009. There is something special about this planet. The entire planet is ocean. The planet orbits the star Gliese 1214 in the constellation Ophiuchus.

The End of the Chinese Mars Rover?

February 27, 2023

China’s Zhurong Rover, which has been exploring the surface of Mars since May 2021, has reportedly succumbed to the harsh winter and dust storms on Mars. In 2022 May, Zhurong entered Hibernation Mode ahead of the Northern Hemisphere of Mars entering winter. The rover was hibernate to avoid damage to the electronic parts due to…

Mammatus clouds

February 20, 2023

they are usually seen at the base of cumulonimbus clouds (rain clouds).Mammatus clouds are a type of elongated cloud formation that hangs from the base of the cloud. These cysts are usually circular or oval in shape and can range in size from a few centimeters to several meters in diameter. Mammoth clouds usually form…

Carl Sagan explaining the Drake equation:

February 16, 2023

N = R*•fp•ne•fl•fi•fc•L “In 1961, Carl’s close friend, fellow astronomer Frank Drake, created an equation for calculating the number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy.” The Drake equation is: N = R*•fp•ne•fl•fi•fc•L where: N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on our current past…

A true “black hole” is shown in this image.

February 8, 2023

Doesn’t that sound like a joke? But this is the case This is the entrance to a tunnel inside Fort William, Calcutta.Siraj ud Daula, the Nawab of Bengal, after capturing the fort in 1756, kept British prisoners of war in this tunnel. With so many people crammed into such a small space, hardly anyone made…