Category: Earth

What would be the most valuable thing in the world?

April 3, 2023

If you ask those who study history, they will tell you Kohinoor Ratnam. Some say diamond. Some would say things like plutonium. There is an answer from someone who knows science well. Anti-matter! The price depends on the effort and energy required to make it. There isn’t much. Just 60 trillion dollars per gram! Even…

LVM3 M3/OneWeb India-2 mission accomplished successfully

March 31, 2023

The first satellites reached orbit exactly nineteen minutes after launch. Within an hour and a half it was announced that all 36 satellites had reached orbit. Victory journey of LVM3 with 100% success Two consecutive commercial launches that came unexpectedly were completed in record time, adding to the gloss of launch successes

The Tectonic plates are moving

March 26, 2023

The San Andreas Fault in California is a temporary crack that marks the boundary between the planet’s two major tectonic plates. Length: 1,200km • Depth: 32km

At the end of April, we will know if a private space project will successfully soft land on the moon for the first time. Stay tuned to see if a UAE Space Agency rover will land on the moon in April.

March 25, 2023

Built by the Japanese private company ispace, the Hakuto-r lander launched on December 11 aboard a Falcon-9 rocket and entered lunar orbit on March 21. The Hakuto-r Lander weighs about 1000 Kg and carries the Rasheed Lunar Rover weighing 10 Kg. If the mission is successful, Hakuto-r will be the first private probe to soft…

No matter how high the ants fall down, six feet! Do you know the reason?

March 23, 2023

There are many reasons behind this. One is the ant mass itself. The mass of an ant is very less compared to other animals. As the mass of an object decreases, its gravitational force also decreases. Suppose an ant falls from a height. Gravity pulls it down. At the same time the air in the…

How many women have actually been in space?

March 21, 2023

We all have an answer to the question of who was the first woman in space. Valentina Tereshkova. On June 16, 1963, the Vostok 6 spacecraft made that trip. But it took 20 years for a second woman to reach space. The second trip was in 1982, and that too was by Soviet Union cosmonaut…

The mountains will change color

March 16, 2023

The most beautiful natural wonder decorated with different colors. That is the Aladaghlar mountains in Iran. This mountain is as if some friend has painted it with different colors. Researchers opined that it is 15 million years old. These mountains are between the cities of Ahar and Khaje in Iran. It is located in From…

Gliese 1214 b.

February 27, 2023

It is a planet located 48 light years away from Earth. This planet was discovered on December 16, 2009. There is something special about this planet. The entire planet is ocean. The planet orbits the star Gliese 1214 in the constellation Ophiuchus.

Mammatus clouds

February 20, 2023

they are usually seen at the base of cumulonimbus clouds (rain clouds).Mammatus clouds are a type of elongated cloud formation that hangs from the base of the cloud. These cysts are usually circular or oval in shape and can range in size from a few centimeters to several meters in diameter. Mammoth clouds usually form…

History Mission: SSLV D2 launched

February 10, 2023

ISRO to launch small satellites at low cost The designed Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV D2) was launched. Three satellites, including Azadi SAT-2, built by female students from different parts of the country, are placed in close-to-Earth orbit. The launch took place at 9.18 am(IST) from the second launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space…