Category: Future

Half a century later confirmation of Stephen Hawking’s theory

August 26, 2021

Everything in the universe is based on certain laws. One such law regarding black holes was discovered in 1971 by the British physicist Stephen Hawking. One prediction according to this theory is that the area of ​​the event horizon of black holes will never decrease. Furthermore, the event horizon area of ​​another black hole formed…

25 years of planetary hunting

August 25, 2021

The Solar System, in which the planet Earth. The only place in the universe where we can now say for sure that there is life.It is this thought that touches the depths of human curiosity that mainly motivates us to discover the planets outside the solar system.One of man’s primitive curiosities is whether life exists…

How many types of planets are there in terms of mass system?

August 24, 2021

Astronomers studying celestial objects such as planets have revealed eight classifications based on mass systems. Billions of objects have been discovered in space, and astronomers make such discoveries every year. Planets are some of the most common celestial objects, and the most studied. Astronomers have come up with various classifications used to classify the planets….

What is the difference between asteroids and comets?

August 24, 2021

For centuries, people have looked up at the night sky and wondered about what they see and beyond. Over time, with the development of the study of space and astronomy, scientists slowly began to answer these questions, naming different objects in space and predicting certain astronomical events. For those unfamiliar with the study of astronomy,…

Schroedinger’s cat A cat that was dead and alive at the same time

August 24, 2021

We’re talking about an experiment with a cat by a scientist named Erwin Schrdinger. Geiger places a cat in a steel box with a counter, a container of poison, a hammer, and a radioactive object. The cat ends up on the spot. Radioactive tuberculosis is a random process and there is no way to predict…

How Many Satellites Are There In Space

August 24, 2021

Satellites are launched into space to perform a specific mission, and are specially designed to perform the required function. A satellite is a man-made object that is placed in orbit to fulfill a specific mission. Also known as man-made artificial satellites, they are different from natural moons, such as the moon. Different moons are classified…

The Altai Mountains in Central Asia are beautiful with snow-capped peaks, lush pine forests, and stunning alpine lakes and glacial valleys. Various ethnic groups live in the area and lead a quiet and contented life, raising sheep and buffaloes, raising bees, cultivating grains and legumes, but their peace is often hampered by debris from the sky falling from the sky.

August 22, 2021

The Bikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakh Kazakhstan is located in the Altai Territory, just below the flight path of the world’s largest and busiest space port. Every time a rocket is launched from the cosmodrome, abandoned fuel tanks, empty booster rockets and other debris fall into the hills, causing great inconvenience to the inhabitants, killing houses…


August 22, 2021

One of the major consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) or the theory of relativity is the idea that time is relative and that time travels slowly under certain conditions.It is an idea that is difficult for many to understand, understand and accept. But, as it is often mentioned in Hollywood movies, the…

94208 kilometers per hour, A huge asteroid passes close to the Earth

August 22, 2021

The asteroid is traveling at a speed of 94208 kilometers per hour. NASA says it can be seen passing from Earth with the help of telescopes NASA has classified the asteroid, which is 4,500 feet in diameter, as a dangerous meteorite. NASA has named it the Asteroid 2016 AJ 193. It will be closest to…

Elon Mask

August 16, 2021

“When the Wright brothers built the spacecraft, no one thought it would be a normal mode of travel. But in just two decades, the situation has changed. Today, air travel is possible for anyone. One day Mars will be like this. Then we should not be satisfied with Mars.These are the words of Elon Musk.Elon…