Month: August 2021

Starburst Galaxy

August 28, 2021

M82, an example of a Starburst galaxy. Its star formation rate is about ten times that of normal galaxies. Stars in galaxies are formed from cold gas that turns into giant molecular clouds. Some galaxies have very high star formation rates. This phenomenon is known as starburst. However, if star formation continues at this high…

Fossils of a 43-million-year-old four-legged whale species have been unearthed by paleontologists in Egypt

August 28, 2021

The new species was found in the rocks of the western desert of Egypt and was once waterlogged. Researchers at the Center for Vertebrate Paleontology at the University of Mansoura have discovered that this is a new species. The name given to this new species is phiomicetus Anubis, the Egyptian goddess of death. It is…

Hubble Space Telescope

August 28, 2021

A space telescope that can observe the universe at the same time in visible light, infrared, ultraviolet and wavelengths.Hubble Space Telescope. It was built by NASA with the help of the European Space Agency.NASA has named the telescope after Edwin Hubble, who discovered that the universe was expanding. Hubble is the only space telescope built…

What was the temperature of the earth 20,000 years ago?

August 28, 2021

The average global temperature during the last ice age 20,000 years ago was 7 degrees Celsius. The lowest average was minus 11. Researchers from the U.S. have made this crucial discovery by combining data from small marine fossils with climate models to predict the weather, known as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). During that cold…

What are contact lenses

August 28, 2021

A contact lens is a lens that attaches directly to the surface of the eye. Abbreviated as C.L- and just Contacts. Contacts are often used to correct vision defects or facial expressions. Those who do not want to wear glasses and want to change the color and appearance of the eyes, use contacts for the…

Why do you feel cold when you have a fever …?

August 28, 2021

The word fever means cold (remember the words fever and fever) but fever occurs when the body temperature rises again to 37 degrees Celsius. This means that as the temperature rises, so does the cold. It may seem a paradox to hear that cold occurs when the temperature rises. Cold is not really caused by…

Why do some people wake up and walk away …?

August 28, 2021

Some people have a habit of going out in their sleep. The interesting thing is that they get out of bed and sometimes change their clothes and go out and the person is still sound asleep. What is sleep? The brain has a complex part called the sleep center. This part regulates sleep, walking, etc….

Why do children lose their teeth after the age of six …?

August 28, 2021

The man grinds his teeth twice. The first gritted milk teeth begin to fall out after about six years. Teeth can be seen in the mouth until the age of ten or twelve. These are then replaced by permanent teeth. The number of molars is 20 and the number of permanent teeth is 32. It…

Virgin Hyperloop

August 28, 2021

It’s a new way of transportation

Visible light is our primary means of studying the universe. but development in understanding of electromagnetic radiation and their origin we can studying more about our universe . The center of milky way with different energies

August 26, 2021

Radio images reveal fast-moving electrons interacting with the galaxy’s magnetic field. They help us map atomic and molecular hydrogen and hot ionized regions. Infrared images show where starlight heats the interstellar gas and dust and reveal red giants, planetary nebulae, and young, massive stars deeply embedded in their parental molecular gas clouds. Visible light shows…