Month: August 2021

The scariest cat in the world … Sherdan

August 14, 2021

There is a cat with a face and shape that scares anyone. His name is Sherdan and he is from Switzerland. Sherdan has been officially described as the most feared cat in the world. Sherdan is a Sphinx cat. Cats of this breed do not have fur like the cats found in our country. It…

Today’s comparison between our Milkyway Galaxy and IC 1101 Galaxy.Andromeda Galaxy, which is bigger than our Galaxy, is also included in the category.

August 14, 2021

IC 1101 Galaxy is the largest galaxy we have ever discovered. Hal The Halo of this galaxy is estimated to be about 2 million light-years from its core. 110 IC 1101 is located in the center of the Abel2029 Galaxy Cluster, 1.04 billion light-years from Earth.G The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer Frederick William…

What is a space capsule …?

August 14, 2021

The space capsule is the simplest spacecraft to return to Earth from space. This is also called the re-entry module. Only the space shuttle and the space capsule bring the astronaut back to Earth. Now the space shuttle is off. Only the space capsule sends people back to Earth! It can be said that this…

The rare black panther not seen in Africa for 100 years

August 12, 2021

Rare black panther (Panthera pardus) captured on camera by British wildlife photographer Will Barard-Lucas in the Lakipia County area of ​​Kenya. Panther’s presence in Africa has not been scientifically documented for the past 100 years. The photographer spent more than a year in this place. The pictures were taken using a high quality camera trap…

Ostrich People

August 12, 2021

Humans living with ostrich legs Vadoma is a tribe living in the Kanyemba region of northern Zimbabwe. They are found in the districts of Uruguay and Cipolilo. As a result of this genetic disease called extrodactyly, some defects occur in the breakdown of the seventh chromosome. The toes are then bent and split in two…

Volcanic Lightning (dirty thunderstorm)

August 12, 2021

Volcanic lightning is an electrical discharge caused by a volcanic eruption. When an active volcano erupts, hot gases and ash rise through the lava face into the sky, sometimes penetrating even the stratosphere. Inside this warm gray cloud, rock fragments and ice particles generate electric charges. When all the parts of this burning hot object…

Did the Ancient Egyptians Use Plane?

August 12, 2021

A wooden handicraft found during the excavation of the Padiman tomb near the Pyramid of Zaqara in 1898 in Egypt is known as the ‘Zakara Bird.’ It is estimated to be about 2200 years old. Although its shape resembles that of a bird, it bears a striking resemblance to a modern aircraft. In particular the…

The oceans in the world are not four, but five.

August 12, 2021

Much of the knowledge we have learned through new discoveries will have to be changed. According to the National Geographic Society, the world’s oceans are five, not four. The National Geographic Society is a source of information for many maps around the world. The new announcement could make a big difference. The Southern Ocean in…

The “Suicide Plant” Has the Most Painful Stingers in the World

August 12, 2021

Dendrochnide moroids, abundant in the rainforests of North-Eastern Australia. But most people do not recognize this. These are known as ‘suicide plants’. Gimpy – These are known locally as Gimpy. It does not matter if the plant is tapped lightly on the body. It may feel like committing suicide! (There has been a case of…

Claire Cameron Patterson ..— The man who discovered the age of the earth and saved the human race from lead

August 12, 2021

Patterson estimated the age of the Earth to be 4.55 billion years, using lead in the interior.While working under Harrison Brown, a research consultant at the University of Chicago, he was commissioned to conduct the geological aging of Zurcon by Harrison Brown Patterson, who realized Paterson’s immense ability to use mass spectroscopy. Therefore, if there…