Tag: albert einstein

Chess: The Game of Kings and Strategy

July 20, 2024

Chess is one of the oldest board games in human history, known for its intricate blend of intelligence and speed. Celebrated globally since July 20, 1966, International Chess Day commemorates this ancient game every year. Originating in India, the precursor to chess was a game called ‘Chaturanga,’ believed to have been developed between 319-543 CE…

Some famous self-asked questions that changed the world

June 26, 2023

If an apple falls, then does the moon also fall?By Isaac Newton.led to the theory of gravity How do organisms transmute information about their features over a thousand generations?By Charles Darwinled to the theory of evolution How does a single organism transmit information to its off spring over a single generation?By Gregor Mendelled to the…

Special & General theory of relativity

November 22, 2021

Albert Einstein introduced his special theory of relativity in 1905, 10 years after it was made general and introduced to the world the general theory of relativity in 1915, but things were not so easy because he found it very difficult to explain this paper to others through an experiment. To show, .. The main…