Category: Solar system

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝟏𝟕:The last lunar mission

July 26, 2023

Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent 75 hours on the moon in December 1972. They landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley of the moon Fellow traveler Ronald Evans was traveling around the moon at that time. Schmitt photographed Eugene Cernan standing next to the American flag and the umbrella-shaped high-gain antenna of their…

Venus or Venus

July 20, 2023

In the 1960s, while the United States was constantly trying to touch the moon, the Cold War pushed the Soviet Union to touch Venus. Of the 28 probes they sent in succession, only 13 penetrated the atmosphere of Venus, and of those, Venera 13 was able to take the best color image. They beat America…

Where is Chandrayaan 3 going to land?

July 15, 2023

The landing is expected to be in the 69.37, 32.35 region near the south polar region of the Moon. It is 100 km away from the area where the Chandrayaan 2 lander attempted to land. It is a steep, rocky area. Chandrayaan 2’s landing site was between the craters Mancinus C and Symposiu N. The…

This is Titan.

May 31, 2023

Saturn’s largest moon. It is bigger than our moon and Mercury. Another is that streams, rivers, lakes, etc. are found here like ours. (not water.. made of ethane, methane) It has a thick atmosphere, one and a half times the Earth’s atmospheric pressure.None of the other 177 known moons in the Solar System have an…

Chandrayaan 3 Stack Completed Tests.

May 29, 2023

Lander on top of Propulsion Module and Rover inside Lander. It is planned to be placed on top of the upper stage of the LMV3 rocket and launched in the second half of 2023. The Propulsion Module and Lander will be in this configuration from Trans Lunar Injection until reaching the 100 Km Circular Orbit…

Sultan Al Neyadi became the first Arab astronaut to walk in space

May 3, 2023

Having achieved the feat of becoming the first Arab astronaut to complete a long-duration mission in space, UAE’s Sultan Al Neyadi has now achieved another feat. Al Neyadi is now the first Arab astronaut to go on a spacewalk. Sultan Al Neyadi left the space station at 1.42pm on Saturday, April 29, accompanied by NASA…

Juice (Jupiter ICy moons Explorer) started an 8 year long journey.

April 16, 2023

Galileo’s journey to the moons has begun for Joyce. Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—Jupiter’s Galileo moons. All three are made of ice. Juice will travel 660 million kilometers in eight and a half years and reach Jupiter’s orbit in July 2031. Travel with gravity assists to reduce travel costs. It is a technique that uses the…