Category: Mysterious

A planet that feels the same day and night!

October 23, 2021

Coconuts 2b is not a new species of coconut, but an exoplanet outside the Solar System. It is about six times the size of Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. So how big is the new planet? The discovery was made by astronomy students…

Tons of gold still under sea: Lutin shipwreck

October 21, 2021

The HMS Lutin, a British ship bound for Germany, sank on October 9, 222 years ago. It was a ship carrying tons of gold and silver. To this day, the treasure of the ship has not been found. The search for this continues. Treasure hunters believe that somewhere in the depths, the sight of a…

“White Aurora”

October 21, 2021

Auroras get their colors from specific elements in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Green auroras, for instance, come from atomic oxygen; blue is associated with molecular nitrogen. How are the colors of the aurora created? The sun radiates all visible colors, which is why sunlight appears white. The spectrum of visible light associated with the aurora is…

For the first time, the scientific community has discovered a great miracle.

October 20, 2021

A planet about the size of Jupiter orbits the Dead Star. This is the first time such a phenomenon has come to the attention of scientists. When a Sun-like star enters its end of life, it leaves a small white core known as the White Dwarf, before the outer layers are pushed away. Observations from…

It is generally said that the size of our universe is larger than we can imagine, but there are some facts to note.

October 19, 2021

The Solar System proxima century next to our solar system is a smaller star than the Sun, but it is said that we can not see it with the naked eye. It is 4.5 light years away from our Earth. So a star twice the size of proxima is 9 light years away, but we…

Planets outside the Milky Way

October 17, 2021

Exoplanets are planets outside the Solar System. NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope and some other terrestrial telescopes have detected many such aliens. As of February 1, 2020, 3900 extraterrestrials have been confirmed in 2894 planetary families. But all of these planets revolve around stars in our parent galaxy, the Milky Way. In May 2018, astronomers at…


October 16, 2021

You may have all heard of the largest Amazon rainforest in the world in South America. If the whole forest is imagined as one country, it will become the seventh largest country in the world. The biodiversity and origin of this forest, which is spread over nine countries, is still not fully known. It seems…

Glass Rain Planet

October 16, 2021

Discovery of a ‘glass (silicate) rain’ planet 63 light years away from Earth. As a result of the rain, the planet appears dark blue. The distant planet known as HD 189733b has been identified as blue. The blue color of the planet is due to the scattering of light by silicate rain in the planet’s…