Category: Earth

Thanks for being with us

March 9, 2022

Some days without the moon …………… There are many reasons why our earth may sit or look like this. The sun has a lot to say about the distance from the sun, the oceans, the atmosphere and the magnetic field. But like all of these, there is someone else who influences the earth in many…

Why did Parker not burn despite touching the sun?

March 3, 2022

Why did Parker not burn despite experiencing such high temperatures? A four-and-a-half-inch-thick carbon composite shield surrounds Parker. It is shield resistant to temperatures up to 1377 C. But isn’t the atmosphere of the sun really hot?That’s right. There is great heat in the corona of the sun. But the density there is low. Due to…

Mission Artemis

March 3, 2022

Artemis’ mission is to land the first woman on the moon in 2024. NASA sees this lunar mission as the basis for future missions to Mars. The mission of Artemis is to identify the challenges facing mankind in the nearest celestial sphere and to energize experiences. Before landing on the moon, two space missions will…


February 26, 2022

Habex is a space telescope designed to detect terrestrial orbits around bright stars. (Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission-HabEx). Habex is looking for stars as bright as the sun. Planets in their habitable zone and the presence of water and methane on such planets will be examined. Water and methane are signs of life. Water is the…

The total number of stars in the universe is approximately 10 Sextillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)

February 24, 2022

At present, the number of living things on earth is 800 billion, with only a quarter of a trillion (1,250,000,000,000) stars per adult! Think about it, every human being in this world, including you and me, is not one or two crores, but a quarter of a trillion suns !! Planets and moons all around…

Box Jellyfish

February 21, 2022

This box jellyfish (Chirodectes) has only been seen twice in the wild, the first in 1997, 25 years ago, and the second in late 2021 near Papua New Guinea by Scuba Ventures – this video was taken by Kavieng! Interesting fact is that the original video of this jellyfish taken in 1997 is thought to…

The ‘bottom & Top’ was the first to conquer the highest mountain on earth

February 17, 2022

At 29,032 feet above sea level, Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth, but the highest peak on earth is the silent Maunakiya volcano on the island of Hawaii at 33,500 feet. Although higher than Mount Everest, more than half of Maunakia (19,698 feet) is under water. That is, just 13,802 feet above sea…