Category: SPACE

NGC 891 Galaxy

January 6, 2022

“NGC 891 is a galaxy about 30 million light-years away from the Andromeda galaxy, discovered by William Herschel on October 6, 1784. This galaxy is a member of the NGC 1023 galaxy in the local supercluster.” Do you think We are alone in the Universe?

James Webb spread his wings at a distance of 800,000 km

January 5, 2022

The world-famous James Webb Space Telescope has successfully reached 800,000 km from Earth. The spacecraft deployed its sunshade last week; But the engineers delayed the alignment of the covers, which stretched the five layers to their full position. This is now possible. This is one of the most crucial stages of this. All you have…

Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)

January 5, 2022

Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) was a German-born astronomer who discovered the largest number of comets. Carolyn, the sister of the famous astronomer William Herschel, was shocked to see his brother William’s night star observations. In 1828 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society. Carolina was the first scientist in England to receive…

Leonard comet with double tail

January 1, 2022

On January 3, the closest Leonard comet to the Sun will begin its journey out of the Solar System forever. Until January 10, the comet will be visible through binoculars or telescopes after sunset near the southern Pisces constellation in the western hemisphere. The comet was discovered in January 2021 by scientist Gregory Leonard using…

The Light machine

January 1, 2022

Let’s look at the actual size of James Webb. The size of the gold-plated beryllium glass is 6.5 m. The five-layer sun shield (21×14 m) below it is about the size of a tennis court. Then you see the size of the picture, the James Webb Telescope weighing 6500 kg, as he spreads his wings…

Thanks Kepler

December 30, 2021

Kepler was a deep space telescope orbiting the Sun at a distance of 3 million kilometers from Earth. We were not sure if there were any planets outside the Solar System. Since then, and running out of fuel in 2018, its photometer has shown us about 2,600 aliens. There are a number of hellish planets…

Why French Guiana

December 29, 2021

The Guyana Space Center in French Guiana, part of France in South America, has been in operation since 1968. Forests cover 98.9% of the total land area. So the main revenue of the area is through the space center. This is the main reason why France did not leave this section. Why did french Guyana…

The waterfall at the bottom of the rocket

December 28, 2021

The rocket launch will be on television but there will be very few who have not seen it. That leap of fire and smoke from the countdown was a beautiful sight. This refers to the Sound Suppression Water System (SSWS) found in the mobile rocket launch pads of NASA and SpaceX. waves) and heat. These…

The James Webb Telescope Journey has begun.

December 26, 2021

The long wait of another 6 months to open your eyes to the mysteries of the universe.