Category: Mysterious


February 26, 2022

Habex is a space telescope designed to detect terrestrial orbits around bright stars. (Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission-HabEx). Habex is looking for stars as bright as the sun. Planets in their habitable zone and the presence of water and methane on such planets will be examined. Water and methane are signs of life. Water is the…

Milky Way Galaxy: All You Need To Know

February 26, 2022

What is the Milky Way?⁠The Milky Way galaxy is a huge collection of dust, gas, and stars, including our Sun. The Earth is located inside this galaxy, so it is often called “our home galaxy” or simply “our galaxy.” ⁠ ⁠It might be hard to believe, but that starry band across the night sky that…

The total number of stars in the universe is approximately 10 Sextillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)

February 24, 2022

At present, the number of living things on earth is 800 billion, with only a quarter of a trillion (1,250,000,000,000) stars per adult! Think about it, every human being in this world, including you and me, is not one or two crores, but a quarter of a trillion suns !! Planets and moons all around…

Taken by Rosetta Probe

February 22, 2022

We are familiar with the black and white or monochrome photos of the famous 1 km high cliff in the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This is a colorized photo version of that image.

Box Jellyfish

February 21, 2022

This box jellyfish (Chirodectes) has only been seen twice in the wild, the first in 1997, 25 years ago, and the second in late 2021 near Papua New Guinea by Scuba Ventures – this video was taken by Kavieng! Interesting fact is that the original video of this jellyfish taken in 1997 is thought to…

The ‘bottom & Top’ was the first to conquer the highest mountain on earth

February 17, 2022

At 29,032 feet above sea level, Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth, but the highest peak on earth is the silent Maunakiya volcano on the island of Hawaii at 33,500 feet. Although higher than Mount Everest, more than half of Maunakia (19,698 feet) is under water. That is, just 13,802 feet above sea…

Pterosaurs Evolution

February 14, 2022

The flying giant Peterosaurs, which coexisted with the dinosaurs, does not belong to the category of birds and bats. Can be replaced with flying reptiles. These are the first flying vertebrates. That is, after a long debate, scientists say that peterosaurs, dinosaurs, and crocodiles evolved from another common genus (from Archosaurs). The flying giant Quetzalcoatlus…

Last month, an event similar to the one in the Star Wars movie took place in space

February 13, 2022

Another private satellite has detected and sent images of a Chinese spacecraft stalling, capturing another spacecraft and launching it into the deadly orbit of a spacecraft 300 km away. The Chinese spacecraft SJ21 captured another stationary satellite, the Compass G2, and destroyed its orbit. The incident took place on January 22 Elon Musk fills space…

The Ghost Nebula

February 13, 2022

IC 63 — nicknamed the Ghost Nebula — is about 550 light-years from Earth. The nebula is classified as both a reflection nebula — as it is reflecting the light of a nearby star — and as an emission nebula — as it releases hydrogen-alpha radiation. Both effects are caused by the gigantic star Gamma…

How big is the Andromeda Galaxy?

February 12, 2022

Well, here’s a close-up image of the Andromeda Galaxy – each dot is a star This image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the largest and sharpest image ever taken from the Andromeda Galaxy. The full image contains 1.5 billion pixels and spans over 600 HD television screens. Astronomers estimate that the Andromeda Galaxy…