Month: July 2021

The world’s largest planetarium opened to the public in Shanghai on Sunday.

July 29, 2021

The Shanghai Astronomy Museum is located in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in the Lingang Special Area and covers about 58,600 square meters. The museum offers immersive experiences using digital technologies, such as augmented reality, virtual reality and biometrics, allowing visitors to explore more than 300 exhibits in interactive ways. It marks a…

When the sun goes down ..

July 29, 2021

The sun is the main source of energy for most living things on earth, including us. Even a day without the sun – without the sun the unit ‘day’ has no particular meaning is another matter! – We can’t imagine. But what will be the consequences if the sun suddenly disappears one day? Fear not,…

King’s Holly A 43,600 year old plant

July 29, 2021

Lomatia Tasmanica, also known as King’s Lomatia or King’s Holly, is an unusual plant. The plant bears flowers but does not produce fruits or seeds. A stem of a plant falls down and a new plant grows in it. In a cloning model. Surprisingly, all the current members of Lomatia Tasmanica are just 300 plants….

Barrett M-99 Sniper Rifle: – The Barrett M-99 Sniper Rifle is a sniper rifle capable of firing at an enemy from a distance of two and a half kilometers and piercing the tracks.

July 29, 2021

Rifles are large, long-barreled guns that rotate the bullet through the barrel of the gun like a pump when fired. For this, there will be long strands inside the gun barrel. Due to these spirals, the bullet that spins (spinning) has a greater tendency to penetrate, and can also travel long distances with accuracy. This…


July 28, 2021

Cloudburst is the most powerful hurricane that can strike an area in a very short period of time. When an area receives 100-millimeters or more of rain per hour, it is called a cloudburst. Cumulonimbus clouds, the largest of the clouds, cause cloudbursts. Clouds are formed when a stream of moist air (vapor) rises from…

MONEY TREE — A tree that is synonymous with a money-bearing tree; That is the oud or akhil which is considered as an alternative to sandalwood. Just a tree in appearance, its value is enormous. Achilles, which is used to make perfumes, is more expensive than gold.

July 28, 2021

Akil is a medicinal plant in Ayurveda. (Aquilaria malaccensis) It is also known as Aura in Hindi, Eagle Wood and Agarwood in English and Oud (هندي) in Arabic. Also known as Aloe in Greek and Ahalim in Hebrew. Although akil comes in many varieties, black akil is the most commonly used for ayurvedic medicine. It…

Ocean of the Moon – Oceanus Procellarum

July 28, 2021

If the Earth is surrounded by 4 oceans, there is only one ocean on the Moon. Located at the western end of the Moon, it is known as the ‘Ocean of Storms’. Oceanic procellarium makes up 10.5% of the total lunar surface. Its circumference is 2568 km. Oceanus procellarium is not an ocean full of…

Puffer fish – You need a license to cook this fish

July 28, 2021

You need a license to cook this fish. If you want to get a license ….. Puffer fish called Fugu Fugu is a favorite and most valuable fish of the Japanese. Known as pufferfish, this fish contains the deadly natural tetrodotoxin toxin in the liver, intestines, ovaries, eyes and skin – 1200 times better than…

The Planet Nine

July 28, 2021

In the year 1840, as usual, the French scientist Urban Louvre, who was busy with his work, noticed something. Uranus deviates from its orbit by miscalculation. He did not understand the reason for this. . September On September 23, 1846, Johann Galle calculated the position of the eighth planet based on the calculations of Urban…