From Earth to IC1101 …. Comparison between Earth and Sun: – Comparison between the Sun and Stephenson 2-18 Comparison between STEPEHENSON 2-18 and Pillers of Creation: – Comparison between Pillers of Creation and Milkyway Galaxy: – Comparison between Milkyway and IC1101 Galaxy: –
The dust around a star is crucial in creating celestial objects around it. Dust around stars contains elements such as carbon and iron, which help to form the Planetary System. When a star is on its formation disk, known as the Tauri phase, it emits very hot air filled with positively charged particles containing protons…
● IC 1101 Galaxy is the largest galaxy we have ever discovered. Hal The Halo of this galaxy is estimated to be about 2 million light-years from its core. 110 IC 1101 is located in the center of the Abel2029 Galaxy Cluster, 1.04 billion light-years from Earth.G The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer Frederick…
IC 1101 Galaxy is the largest galaxy we have ever discovered. Hal The Halo of this galaxy is estimated to be about 2 million light-years from its core. 110 IC 1101 is located in the center of the Abel2029 Galaxy Cluster, 1.04 billion light-years from Earth.G The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer Frederick William…