For more than 100 years, Curie’s clothing, furniture, books, and laboratory notes have been radioactive. Curie’s laboratory notebooks are still housed in lead – lined boxes in museums in France. Marie Curie’s goods will still be radioactive for 1500 years.
The Carina Nebula or Eta Carinae Nebula is a large, complex area of bright and dark nebulosity in the constellation Carina, and it is located in the Carina–Sagittarius Arm. The nebula is approximately 8,500 light-years from Earth
. The Soyuz MS-19 crew ship docked to the Roswet module next to the spacecraft … !! Mark Vande Hei holds the US record for most time spent in space. He will arrive at the station on April 9, 2021 and leave on March 30, 2022 ….
This is Planet WASP 127B! It is a distant gas giant located about 525 light-years from Earth. WASP-127b is like any other giant planet: it is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. What to do when the gases are hot? They are evolving. Like a hot air balloon, the WASP-127b became the softest known…
Today’s the first launch since Somnath became chairman. Three payloads are currently in orbit, including the EOS-04 Observatory satellite and two satellites, INSPIREsat-1 and INS-2TD.
Another private satellite has detected and sent images of a Chinese spacecraft stalling, capturing another spacecraft and launching it into the deadly orbit of a spacecraft 300 km away. The Chinese spacecraft SJ21 captured another stationary satellite, the Compass G2, and destroyed its orbit. The incident took place on January 22 Elon Musk fills space…
IC 63 — nicknamed the Ghost Nebula — is about 550 light-years from Earth. The nebula is classified as both a reflection nebula — as it is reflecting the light of a nearby star — and as an emission nebula — as it releases hydrogen-alpha radiation. Both effects are caused by the gigantic star Gamma…
Well, here’s a close-up image of the Andromeda Galaxy – each dot is a star This image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the largest and sharpest image ever taken from the Andromeda Galaxy. The full image contains 1.5 billion pixels and spans over 600 HD television screens. Astronomers estimate that the Andromeda Galaxy…