Month: August 2021


August 5, 2021

In a nutshell, black holes are objects that cannot be penetrated by light due to the force of gravity.For gravity to be so great that even light cannot escape, it is not enough to add the weight or mass of an object, that weight must be confined within a very small range. (Scientifically speaking, weight…


August 5, 2021

This beautiful bird is the third largest bird in the world behind the ostrich and the emu ….They are also second in weight … Although it ranks second and third in weight and size, the Casovaris tops the list of most endangered birds … Yes, they are known as the most dangerous bird in the…

The Wimbledon tennis ball is stored at 68 ° FH,Do you know why?

August 5, 2021

Did you know that the temperature of a tennis ball affects its performance? Inside each tennis ball is a hollow core – a rubber, coated space containing gas. As the temperature of the ball changes, the pressure of the gas inside it changes and it changes the physical dynamics of the ball. The temperature of…

How big our sun is?

August 5, 2021

99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System belongs to the Sun. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. Sun will be able to contain 13 lakh Earths …Just watch this how big our son is….

A solar wind at a speed of 400 km / h is reported to have damaged the Earth’s magnetic field.

August 5, 2021

Spaceweather reports that the solar wind has damaged the Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic field plays a major role in protecting the ozone layer and life on Earth from harmful cosmic rays and radiation. The Earth’s magnetic field is threatened by solar winds of up to 400 kilometers per second. Solar wind is caused by…

Chinese scientists discover ultra-high-energy MilkyWay cosmic accelerators

August 5, 2021

Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic accelerators within the Milky Way, a find that could overturn humanity’s understanding of the galaxy. It could help reveal the origin of cosmic rays, which have puzzled scientists for a century. The findings were based on the observations of China’s Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory…

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August 4, 2021

Gold is found in many forms on earth. It is found in alloys with silver and mercury, in combination with other ores, or as gold nuggets in pure form. The latter is 85 to 95 percent pure gold. Alaska has been a favorite destination for gold diggers for over 100 years. Especially the place called…

8 kilometers per second; A massive asteroid will pass close to Earth on July 24

August 4, 2021

NASA says the stadium-sized asteroid will approach Earth on July 24. This fast-moving asteroid is named 2008 Go20. The asteroid travels at a distance of 8 km per second. According to NASA, the asteroid’s orbit is so fast that it can destroy anything coming in the opposite direction. The asteroid is reportedly being monitored by…

The oldest wepon ever found on earth

August 4, 2021

Archaeologists say Neanderthals used leaf-shaped spears to hunt. The 65,000-year-old leaf-shaped spear found in the Swabian jura, a cave in Germany, led researchers to this conclusion. Leafpoint was discovered at the Hoyle Fels Archaeological Site. This handicraft is 7.6 c.m (3 inches) long, 4.1 c.m (1.6 inches) wide, 0.9 cm (0.35 inches) thick and weighs…