Category: sun

Why does glass transmit light?

October 3, 2021

Photons pass through the material because they do not have the energy needed to excite a glass of electrons to a higher energy level. Physicists sometimes talk about this based on the band theory that energy levels coexist in areas known as energy bands. There are areas between these bands called band gaps, where the…

Light or electromagnetic radiation.

October 3, 2021

The maximum speed at which we can communicate information in this universe is the speed of light, which is 3 million km / second. That is, nothing moves faster than this. For example, suppose the sun suddenly disappears in a second, and it takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the earth to see…

CUTE in search of secrets of planets hotter than the sun

September 29, 2021

The Colorado Ultra Violet Transit Experiment (CUTE) Cube Satellite launches to learn more about planets that are warmer than the Sun. Cute will collect information on the hottest planet ever discovered, including KELT-9b. The Atlas V rocket was launched from California on September 27 with Lantasat. Kevin France, a researcher at the Laboratory for Atmospheric…

Van Allen Belt

September 27, 2021

The Van Allen Belt is an atmosphere in which high-energy charged particles are blocked by our Earth’s magnetic field. The radiation belt was discovered in 1958 by James van Allen, a physicist at the University of Iowa (USA).What are particles?The Van Allen belt has an outer belt and an inner belt .The outer belt is…

India ready for first solar mission

September 22, 2021

Aditya or Aditya L1 (Aditya – L1). Preparations for India’s world-wide solar mission are nearing completion. ISRO aims to launch Aditya by the end of 2022. The mission, scheduled for early 2020, was postponed in the wake of Covid. The satellite, which weighs 400 kg, will be carrying a payload called the Visible Emission Line…

“Solar Tsunami”

September 19, 2021

Nuclear scientist V says solar tsunami or space earthquake could happen at any moment. T. Padmanabhan. Space earthquakes occur every 500 years and are not as severe as once every 100 years. It is thought that the phenomenon, which occurs every 100 years, could occur at any moment. The Sun’s magnetic field decreases every 22…

Solar prominence

September 13, 2021

The phenomena created by the Sun’s magnetic field are numerous. Dark spots of the sun, solar flare, solar wind and so much more. The corona, the Sun’s atmosphere, is a hundred times hotter than the Sun’s surface below. The solar wind that blows from here fills the entire solar system. This is why it is…

Many things will happen on earth before the end of the sun, and all living things, including humans, will be gone.

September 12, 2021

How or when will the sun, our source of energy, end? There have already been several scientific controversies over this question. New research predicts that all life on Earth, including humans, will set before the sun reaches its final stage. The study, published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy, details the end of the Sun…