Category: SPACE

Closest Black Hole

July 28, 2021

In the constellation Telescopium, a black hole is hidden in a binary galaxy (v723mon) visible to the naked eye. That is the closest known black hole to Earth. 1500 light-years may seem big to us, but in terms of the size of the universe, it’s like a neighboring house. It is the smallest known today….

Farthest Exoplanet ever found

July 22, 2021

Discovered the farthest planet, like Earth Astronomers at the University of Canterbury have discovered an incredibly rare planet in the center of the Milky Way. At 25,000 light-years from Earth, it is the farthest planet from Earth. Unlike most previous discoveries, the farthest planet like Earth is moving farther away from its star, which is…

Cesium 137 – One of the Dangerous Radio Active Element Humankind ever Made

July 22, 2021

Cesium 137 is produced in nuclear explosions and nuclear reactors. This is a big problem with low half-life isotopes. But it has many practical uses. It is used in radiation therapy. It is dangerous that most compounds of cesium are soluble in water. So it will reach many places very quickly through the water. It…

James Web Space Telescope Replace to Hubble telescope In one year. know more about James Web Telescope

July 22, 2021

JAMES WEB SPACE TELESCOPE The desire to know what is going on in the sky dates back to the time of man. So they realized the need for telescopes long ago. Its first structure was designed in 1608 by Hans Lippershey, a spectacle maker. Inspiration from it led to the creation of the Galileo Telescope.As…

Types Of Black Holes

July 22, 2021

The black hole can be classified into four categories based on its mass;Stellar, Intermediate, Supermassive, Miniature.The most common cause of black hole formation is stellar death. When the stars reach the end of their lives, most of them multiply and lose mass and become cold white dwarfs. But the largest of these flammable objects are…