The james webb telescope considered one of the greatest scientific endeavors of the 21st century. The largest space telescope ever conceived – just hours away from reaching orbit. The $ 10 billion rocket will launch from European Guiana on a European Ariane rocket in search of an end to darkness.

The web is an extraordinary mission.
Even when the launch is complete, complex steps have to be taken to get the telescope to its destination.

To get into space, the web must first survive the ascent of the launch vehicle for 27 minutes, and then after landing on the rocket, the telescope must deploy itself in a series of complex deployments, all of which must be completed flawlessly or the observatory as a whole will not work. After the first 27 minutes of travel, the web will detach from the rocket and its solar array will be automatically deployed.

Equipment for communication with the earth will be enabled. Each of the remaining stages is set up in such a way that it can be expertly controlled from the ground. This will help you to avoid unexpected problems with deployment.
The Web Telescope takes about a month to travel from Earth to its intended orbital position in space, during which time it slowly opens. Sunshield deployments will begin in a few days, with five layers the size of a tennis court.

It is diamond shaped
To the Sunshield. As the sunshade begins to deploy, the telescope and equipment will begin to shade and begin to cool. Over the next few weeks the mission team will closely monitor the web’s cooldown and control it with heaters to control pressure on equipment and structures. In the meantime, the secondary mirror tripod will be level and the primary mirror will be wide open, web devices will be activated one by one, and the thruster will be fired and the telescope will be inserted into its specific orbit. Scientific work is expected to begin approximately six months after launch.

The purpose of the web will be to illustrate the first shining stars and galaxies in the universe. It will also have the power to examine the atmospheres of distant planets for gases that signal the presence of life.

James E. was NASA’s second administrator. The telescope is named after the web. He led the Apollo mission. Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist John Mather has been NASA’s chief scientist at the helm of the project for the past 25 years.

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