The Anechoic Chamber, known as the world’s quietest room, is located in Microsoft’s office in Redmond, Washington.

This unique space is so silent that one can hear their own heartbeat, the rustling of clothes, the sound of swallowing, and even the blood flowing in their veins. The chamber has been recognized by the Guinness World Records for its unmatched silence, measuring an astonishing -20.3 decibels.

Constructed within six thick walls, each one foot thick, the chamber is entirely isolated from external noise. The room’s dimensions are 21 feet in length, width, and height, and its walls, floor, and ceiling are lined with six layers of concrete formed into triangular shapes. These structures, along with 68 vibration-damping springs, ensure that no sound reverberates within the chamber. It took one and a half years to complete this marvel of acoustic engineering.

Due to the extreme silence, it is reported that no one can stay in the Anechoic Chamber for more than 45 minutes without experiencing disorientation and a loss of balance. Microsoft uses this chamber to test the sound of their new electronic devices, ensuring the highest standards of noise control and sound quality.

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