The world-famous James Webb Space Telescope has successfully reached 800,000 km from Earth. The spacecraft deployed its sunshade last week; But the engineers delayed the alignment of the covers, which stretched the five layers to their full position. This is now possible.

This is one of the most crucial stages of this. All you have to do is fix the telescope in a fixed orbit. The team is now focusing on optimizing its power systems as they learn more about how the Observatory operates in space. Sunshield is reported to have started operations.

NASA said the team is analyzing things to begin the next major deployment phase. It is important to ensure that the motors, which are important for the tensioning process, are at the optimum temperature before starting that operation. The Sunshield Mid-Boom was successfully deployed on December 31, 2021.

One after the other, 107 sunscreen release mechanisms work to support the sunshield, which protects the spacecraft from the heat of the sun, moon, and earth.

This sunscreen is so crucial that if the telescope and instruments could not keep it extremely cool, the web would not be able to observe the universe the way it was designed. NASA says mid-booms are the workhorse of the Sunshield and will do heavy lifting for it.

Currently, the James Webb Telescope has flown more than 8,47,000 km in space. It is reported that 58 per cent of its journey has been completed. This is the journey to the second Lagrange point of the telescope.

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