Tag: how big our space is

Do you know how big our universe is,just imagine below paragraph

August 31, 2021

Earth is an average planet with a diameter of 12,700 km. But a thousand Earths could be stacked on another planet, Jupiter. A thousand Jupiters in the sun. Or the sun could cover one million Earths with a diameter of 1.39 million kilometers. Look at how small the earth is in comparison. If the sun…


August 23, 2021

A galaxy is a mass of stars, interstellar medium, interstellar medium, gases, dust particles, and black matter that have become extremely massive and gravitational.There are dwarf galaxies in the universe ranging from a trillion stars to gigantic galaxies with a trillion stars. All the stars in the galaxy revolve around their center of mass. The…

Comparison Video from Earth to IC1101(largest galaxy Ever found)

August 22, 2021

From Earth to IC1101 …. Comparison between Earth and Sun: – Comparison between the Sun and Stephenson 2-18 Comparison between STEPEHENSON 2-18 and Pillers of Creation: – Comparison between Pillers of Creation and Milkyway Galaxy: – Comparison between Milkyway and IC1101 Galaxy: –