Tag: history of aeroplane

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to flying. But have you noticed why the plane windows are so small and round?

October 5, 2021

In the mid-twentieth century, aerospace engineering made great strides in aircraft technology. That is, the aircraft was redesigned, including increased safety so that it could carry more passengers and go faster. Until the 1950s, aircraft windows were square. When commercial aviation began, airlines began flying at higher altitudes to save aviation fuel. (Normal passenger planes…

Amazing Facts About Airplanes That Will Make Your Mind Soar

September 16, 2021

The fuel from the tank on the wings is equally supplied to the engine. So the balancing on both sides will remain the same. To tell the truth, there is no magic or spell in it … If someone dies on a flying plane, the person will be handed over to the airport where the…

The ‘flying’ Dream

September 16, 2021

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), the world-famous painter and sculptor, was the first to think about and logically design flying machines.The first glider was built in 1893, four centuries later. Ten years later, in 1903, the Wright brothers built the first mechanized aircraft.Then, three decades later, the first rocket flew into the sky The history of…