Month: September 2021

The Seed Bank

September 23, 2021

At the far north pole, there is the ark of Noah, which kept the seeds for the people of that time, even though all the crops on earth were destroyed. Global Seed Vault under the Global Crop Diversity Trust, also known as the Crop Trust. Institutions in different countries have stored the seeds there. Global…

Earth – 300

September 23, 2021

A surprise is about to set in. The Earth 300 is more than just a luxury ship, the Earth 300 is a movable laboratory complex. The boat will have a crew of 450 people, including 22 labs, scientists from various disciplines, environmental activists and a handful of wealthy tourists and staff. Only 40 tourists will…

What is Supermoon?

September 23, 2021

When the moon appears larger and much brighter compared to its normal size. It is therefore called the Supermoon, and researchers believe that the Moon’s size will increase by about 14 percent during this time compared to its normal size, and that its brightness will be 30 percent higher than before. In this case, the…

Rosetta – Spacecraft landed on Comet-67P

September 23, 2021

The Rosetta was launched by the European Space Agency on March 2, 2004. Philey was the lander in it.Rosetta’s target is “67P / Churyumov – Gerasimenko”, a comet located 405 million kilometers from Earth. 67P / Churyumov – Gerasimenko, located in the Kuiper Belt, is a comet about 4 km in diameter. Between 1978 and…

Enceladus -The ocean moon

September 23, 2021

Enceladus is a small moon of Saturn .Let’s see why it is called the ocean moon. When the Cassini spacecraft sent by NASA arrived in Saturn’s orbit, it made many people think that this small sphere was very active. So he sent Cassini to it. It was then observed that from various vents on the…

Ozone layer

September 22, 2021

The ozone layer is the layer with the highest levels of ozone (O3) in the Earth’s atmosphere. This layer absorbs 93-99% of the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, which are harmful to terrestrial organisms: ultraviolet rays. About 91% of the ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere is found in this region. It is located at…

Air Force One

September 22, 2021

The Air Force-One is a Boeing 747-200 or jumbo jet designed for the official travels of American presidents. Named the Flying White House, the aircraft has all the facilities of a weight house. It is equipped with self-propelled weapons and guns capable of countering and counterattacking both ground and air attacks. The U.S. military has…

A stream that originates from a tree

September 22, 2021

Rivers and streams that originate from mountain tops and flow through valleys are common on earth. But have you ever heard of a spring that comes from a tree? There is a spring that comes from a tree in the European country of Montenegro. The water flows out of the tree only after heavy rains….

India ready for first solar mission

September 22, 2021

Aditya or Aditya L1 (Aditya – L1). Preparations for India’s world-wide solar mission are nearing completion. ISRO aims to launch Aditya by the end of 2022. The mission, scheduled for early 2020, was postponed in the wake of Covid. The satellite, which weighs 400 kg, will be carrying a payload called the Visible Emission Line…


September 22, 2021

Diamonds are one of the most precious stones in the world. Diamond cannot be cut with any metal. You need a diamond to cut a diamond. It uses a metal sword made of diamond powder. Diamond is considered to be the hardest natural material. Diamonds range from yellow, brown, gray to colorless .. !! Most…