Tag: water in mars

Martian winter wonderland

January 2, 2023

Winter brings big changes to Mars. Snow on Mars is not like snow on Earth. There are two forms of snow on Mars. Dry ice is a combination of water ice and carbon dioxide. The former will disperse before reaching the Martian surface. But dry ice can also reach the Martian surface. NASA has released…

Biggest valley in solar system

November 13, 2021

We know that our ‘Olympus Mon’ Sun is the largest mountain in the Solar System. What about the biggest valley? That too on Mars .. !! Let’s introduce it to those who do not know. At 7 miles deep, 2,500 miles long, and 120 miles wide, the Valles Marineris is the largest canyon in our…

Let’s go to that old Mars If it had been returned …

October 19, 2021

There is no doubt about one thing. According to the information available, Mars had canals, rivers and lakes, and the ocean covered the northern hemisphere by studying the surface. The only doubt left is where the water has gone.One billion years ago, Mars had a magnetic field, atmosphere, ocean and lakes. The magnetic field of…

‘There was a river on Mars’! Rover with amazing pictures

October 11, 2021

Rover again with evidence of a search for water on Mars. Scientists now have images showing evidence that water helped shape the landscape of Mars billions of years ago. The images also reveal evidence of ancient life on Mars. In February, NASA’s persuasion rover Gezero landed in the crater for this investigation. Scientists at the…

martian ice caps

September 20, 2021

When it looked like ice cream, it was half right. Pictured is the ice at the South Pole of Mars (ESA-Mars express probe). But data from the spacecraft’s OMEGA device confirms that water, along with CO2 ice, can seep into the soil in the form of Permafrost. Each new piece of news on Mars raises…