Tag: nasa

NASA’s Perseverance extracts another rock from Mars

March 12, 2022

NASA’s Perseverance Rover collects another sample from Mars. This is the seventh rock to be collected from the surface of Mars. This sample was taken from the Jazero crater on Mars. Perseverance is the size of a car. It will collect one more sample from the current area. After that we will travel to the…

Why did Parker not burn despite touching the sun?

March 3, 2022

Why did Parker not burn despite experiencing such high temperatures? A four-and-a-half-inch-thick carbon composite shield surrounds Parker. It is shield resistant to temperatures up to 1377 C. But isn’t the atmosphere of the sun really hot?That’s right. There is great heat in the corona of the sun. But the density there is low. Due to…

Mission Artemis

March 3, 2022

Artemis’ mission is to land the first woman on the moon in 2024. NASA sees this lunar mission as the basis for future missions to Mars. The mission of Artemis is to identify the challenges facing mankind in the nearest celestial sphere and to energize experiences. Before landing on the moon, two space missions will…

NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei looks down at the ground inside the seven-window of the International Space Station

February 16, 2022

. The Soyuz MS-19 crew ship docked to the Roswet module next to the spacecraft … !! Mark Vande Hei holds the US record for most time spent in space. He will arrive at the station on April 9, 2021 and leave on March 30, 2022 ….

The Ghost Nebula

February 13, 2022

IC 63 — nicknamed the Ghost Nebula — is about 550 light-years from Earth. The nebula is classified as both a reflection nebula — as it is reflecting the light of a nearby star — and as an emission nebula — as it releases hydrogen-alpha radiation. Both effects are caused by the gigantic star Gamma…

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

February 7, 2022

Work on the project began in 2010. The Infrared Observatory, like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), aims to gather evidence of primitive light by looking into the maximum distance of the RST universe. However, the main purpose of the Roman Space Telescope was to study dark energy, or dark energy, and distant planets.The glass…

Beautiful view of a crater on Mars

February 6, 2022

The crater has an area of ​​1.5 km.The crater is located on the Meridiani Planum, 20 km northwest of the 2004 launch of NASA’s Mars Lander mission Opportunity Mars.This image was taken by HiRISE on a NASA satellite orbiting Mars at an altitude of 160 miles / 257 km.

Why ariane 5 Rocket?

January 24, 2022

Why did NASA put so much faith in the European agency’s rocket to carry James Webb? So with the precision of the launch method, James got more fuel for ten years. That means James Web will be around for over 20 years. The other is reliability.i.e83 consecutive wins from 2003 to 2017. In the language…

Color near Herschel Crater

January 12, 2022

Date – February 13, 2010 NASA’s Cassini spacecraft’s Saturn’s satellite Mimas’ closest flight to Herschel Crater’s illustration with a false color view shows subtle variations in Saturn’s satellite Mimas. This image shows the color variations that depend on its terrain, especially the bluish objects around Herschel Crater (130 km / 80 m wide) and the…

Margaret Hamilton

January 11, 2022

Margaret Hamilton was the inventor of the on-board flight software for the first manned Apollo program in 1969. Program code files used by the Apollo Mission In 2016, President Barack Obama honored her with the Presidential Award